

『Release It!』の次に読みたい(読むとは言ってない)英語の技術書

最近、英語の勉強を改めてしていて、その一環として少しずつ読んでいた『Release It!』の2版を一周しました。




Dynamic Reteaming



I. What Is Dynamic Reteaming?
1. The Evolution Of Teams
2. Understanding Teams
3. The Power Of Team Assignment
4. Reduce Risk And Encourage Sustainability
II. Dynamic Reteaming Patterns
5. One-By-One Pattern
6. Grow-And-Split Pattern
7. Isolation Pattern
8. Merging Pattern
9. Switching Pattern
10. Anti-Patterns
III. Tactics For Mastering Dynamic Reteaming
11. Adapt Your Organization For Dynamic Reteaming
12. Plan Your Dynamic Reteaming Initiative
13. After Dynamic Reteaming: Transitions And Team Calibrations
14. Reflect And Determine How To Shift
IV. Conclusion

永瀬美穂さんが翻訳してくれるのに期待している 👀


Dynamic Reteaming, 2nd Edition [Book]

Learning Domain-Driven Design




I. Strategic Design
1. Analyzing Business Domains
2. Discovering Domain Knowledge
3. Managing Domain Complexity
4. Integrating Bounded Contexts
II. Tactical Design
5. Implementing Simple Business Logic
6. Tackling Complex Business Logic
7. Modeling The Dimension Of Time
8. Architectural Patterns
9. Communication Patterns
III. Applying Domain-Driven Design In Practice
10. Design Heuristics
11. Evolving Design Decisions
12. EventStorming
13. Domain-Driven Design In The Real World
IV. Relationships To Other Methodologies And Patterns
14. Microservices
15. Event-Driven Architecture
16. Data Mesh


Learning Domain-Driven Design [Book]

Building Microservices



Building Microservices, 2nd Edition [Book]

Software Architecture: The Hard Parts


1. What Happens When There Are No “Best Practices”?
I. Pulling Things Apart
2. Discerning Coupling In Software Architecture
3. Architectural Modularity
4. Architectural Decomposition
5. Component-Based Decomposition Patterns
6. Pulling Apart Operational Data
7. Service Granularity
II. Putting Things Back Together
8. Reuse Patterns
9. Data Ownership And Distributed Transactions
10. Distributed Data Access
11. Managing Distributed Workflows
12. Transactional Sagas
13. Contracts
14. Managing Analytical Data
15. Build Your Own Trade-Off Analysis


2022/08/19 追記:翻訳が出ています。


Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Architectural Thinking
Chapter 3: Modularity
Chapter 4: Architecture Characteristics Defined
Chapter 5: Identifying Architecture Characteristics
Chapter 6: Measuring and Governing Architecture Characteristics
Chapter 7: Scope of Architecture Characteristics
Chapter 8: Component-Based Thinking
Chapter 9: Architecture Styles
Chapter 10: Layered Architecture Style
Chapter 11: Pipeline Architecture
Chapter 12: Microkernel Architecture
Chapter 13: Service-Based Architecture
Chapter 14: Event-Driven Architecture Style
Chapter 15: Space-Based Architecture
Chapter 16: Orchestration-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture
Chapter 17: Microservices Architecture
Chapter 18: Choosing the Appropriate Architecture Style
Chapter 19: Architecture Decisions
Chapter 20: Analyzing Architecture Risk
Chapter 21: Diagramming and Presenting Architecture
Chapter 22: Making Teams Effective
Chapter 23: Negotiation and Leadership Skills
Chapter 24: Developing a Career Path


Software Architecture: The Hard Parts [Book]

Fundamentals of Software Architecture [Book]

Strategic Monoliths and Microservices

『実践ドメイン駆動設計』の Vaughn Vernon の最新刊。


Part I: Transformational Strategic Learning through Experimentation
Chapter 1: Business Goals and Digital Transformation
Chapter 2: Essential Strategic Learning Tools
Chapter 3: Events-First Experimentation and Discovery
Part II: Driving Business Innovation
Chapter 4: Reaching Domain-Driven Results
Chapter 5: Contextual Expertise
Chapter 6: Mapping, Failing, and Succeeding—Choose Two
Chapter 7: Modeling Domain Concepts
Part III: Events-First Architecture
Chapter 8: Foundation Architecture
Chapter 9: Message- and Event-Driven Architectures
Part IV: The Two Paths for Purposeful Architecture
Chapter 10: Building Monoliths Like You Mean It
Chapter 11: Monolith to Microservices Like a Boss
Chapter 12: Require Balance, Demand Strategy


Strategic Monoliths and Microservices: Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture [Book]

Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster

『継続的デリバリー』の David Farley の新刊。彼の YouTube はときどき見ている。


Part I What Is Software Engineering?
1 Introduction
2 What Is Engineering?
3 Fundamentals of an Engineering Approach
Part II Optimize For Learning
4 Working Iteratively
5 Feedback
6 Incrementalism
7 Empiricism
8 Being Experimental
Part III Optimize For Managing Complexity
9 Modularity
10 Cohesion
11 Separation of Concerns
12 Information Hiding and Abstraction
13 Managing Coupling
Part IV Tools To Support Engineering In Software
14 The Tools of an Engineering Discipline
15 The Modern Software Engineer


Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster [Book]

Building Secure and Reliable Systems


Google の SRE本シリーズの第三弾。

目次を見た感じ、テーマが多いので個々の掘り下げはそこまでなのかな?という気がするけど、『Release It!』と近い感じで一読しておいて損はなさそう。

I. Introductory Material
1. The Intersection Of Security And Reliability
2. Understanding Adversaries
II. Designing Systems
3. Case Study: Safe Proxies
4. Design Tradeoffs
5. Design For Least Privilege
6. Design For Understandability
7. Design For A Changing Landscape
8. Design For Resilience
9. Design For Recovery
10. Mitigating Denial-Of-Service Attacks
III. Implementing Systems
11. Case Study: Designing, Implementing, And Maintaining A Publicly Trusted CA
12. Writing Code
13. Testing Code
14. Deploying Code
15. Investigating Systems
IV. Maintaining Systems
16. Disaster Planning
17. Crisis Management
18. Recovery And Aftermath
V. Organization And Culture
19. Case Study: Chrome Security Team
20. Understanding Roles And Responsibilities
21. Building A Culture Of Security And Reliability


Building Secure and Reliable Systems [Book]

おまけ: Brutal Refactoring

『レガシーコード改善ガイド』の Michael Feathers の幻の新刊(?)。




It feels like a whack-a-mole type thing because that is not a real book. I gave a workshop on that in Chicago. I forgot how many years ago, but somebody has put that up as a page on Amazon and I need to go and figure out where to go and get that taken down.